Saturday, February 21, 2009


First things first. I have been a terrible blogger. Sometimes I don't feel like recording things. Though I probably should. Anyway, I'm here now. AND THIS IS THE HOME ADDITION.
43 Rue Notre Dame de Nazareth vs Versaille.

Let's start with our appartment. It is teensey weensey and probably has some mold problems, but I've grown very fond of it. Both comfortors and my towel are pink, which is always an easy way to my heart. Our street is reallyy funny. It is full of the most bizzare stores ever. There are two Native American paraphenalia shops, several leather outfitters, a shop call "TRUST THE POLICE," and many a wholesale stores. Above shows my bed/ movie theatre. We have become quite the movie pirates recently.

we have lime green appliances!
teensey weensey kitchen. on the left hand side you can see some collaborative work using the almighty florescent pink pigment.
couryard garden seen from our window. cute.

NOW FOR ROUND TWO: VERSAILLE! We went to Versaille last weekend. Unfortunately, we missed the Jeff Koons show that was going on there from October to December. How wacky would that have been??? Giant ballonies in a palace. It really doesn't get much better than that.
that's me. myspace shot hall of mirrors style. yeahhhhhhh.
the chapel
hall of mirrors
when you have wall paper that matches your drapes, you KNOW you're king
look at the rainbow through the doorways!
the outside jardin on a snowy day.

So all and all, I think they're an equal match! yeah?

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